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Michelle Currier's portfolio

Revolutionize Your Development Workflow: From overwriting woes to seamless GitHub powered solutions

Consulting Academy documentation

An example of a Consulting Academy module template in Github. This showcases the documentation with steps on how-to run on your local with Gulp and preps for bundling to deploy.

Tutorial on how to use Frontend coding basics like : Terminal, Git, npm, Framework with Materialize + SASS Tutorial

Tutorial on using github, terminal, materialize, & sass

Certifications & trainings

IBM's L&K Consulting Academy focus areas


My focus has been on diligently acquiring profound expertise in harnessing web components to explore novel possibilities beyond their creators' initial vision. As a result of my endeavors, I have achieved a notable milestone by successfully developing web games without relying on deprecated emulators. This accomplishment is of considerable significance, as it ensures our projects are built on a more sustainable codebase that allows for customization.


In 2021 our team got the green light for the L&K Consulting Academy’s rebrand. The Consulting Academy is one of the main induction platforms for new band 7 - 9 consultants. The rebrand came from a need for a virtual campus due to the pandemic and folks working from home. Rebranding entailed creating and building an entirely new version of the virtual campus with IBM’s internal Your Learning portal called Comprehend and creating new learning modules from a common template.

Best practices

The successful implementation of the Deploy Manager has led to its widespread adoption among team members for deployment purposes, while GitHub has been embraced for repository management and version control. Consequently, this adoption has significantly reduced issues related to overwriting, which were previously a major concern, resulting in enhanced collaboration on code bases. Based on the comprehensive IBM Design Language, every element and component of Carbon was designed from the ground up to work elegantly together to ensure consistent, cohesive user experiences.